LA LÍNEA NEGRA — Paisajes Sagrados de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Jorge Coque Gamboa

November 2 – December 8, 2023

Portland, Oregon — United States

We are excited to welcome LA LÍNEA NEGRA Paisajes Sagrados de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, exhibited in museums, galleries, embassies, and parks worldwide. Jorge Gamboa’s photographic exhibition portrays the sacred landscapes and ancestral practices of the human groups that cohabit the so-called Black Line, an area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the ancestral territory of Arhuaco , Kogui, Wiwa and Kankuamo people.

The photographs invite an intimate connection to the ancestral heritage of the people of the Sierra and the indigenous ways of life that were threatened, and even made invisible, by colonial processes. The exhibition is a call to unity through diversity and healing, honoring the inhabitants of this sacred line, who believe that all beings are part of creation, a fact that interconnects us beyond differences and unites us deeply with the natural environment. The mangroves, Madre-viejas, river mouths, coastal hills, reefs, meadows, and marine savannahs located along the Black Line constitute protective barriers against catastrophes, hurricanes, natural diseases, and epidemics in the upper parts of the Mountain range. LA LÍNEA NEGRA is a call to global citizens to join in the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity in the heart of the world.


November 2 – December 8, 2023

LA LÍNEA NEGRA | Jorge Coque Gamboa | Image 1/4
LA LÍNEA NEGRA | Jorge Coque Gamboa | Image 2/4
LA LÍNEA NEGRA | Jorge Coque Gamboa | Image 3/4
LA LÍNEA NEGRA | Jorge Coque Gamboa | Image 4/4